The main points of the film that we watched i think were to inform people on what these big companies were doing to the food that they are eating. not only does this film show the harmful things we put in our body each day but also show as how corrupt these major companies are as a whole, from making laws to protect them self from people ban mouthing the company or to avoid laws that can harm them. these company's do not play fair and do not really care about anyone else but them self.
One major thing that the movie Food Inc had over the book "fast food nation" was you were really able to see some of the horrible things that these companies do to the animals and also to the workers. Its one thing to read about these things happening but in a movie they can really throw it in your face and you really get to see what's going on. What the book can offer though is very rich information because for a movie there's only so much information that they can put inside a movie and they tend to only put the major issues and cut out the rest. But in a book there is no limit to how much information a person can put it in so your not left with losing some information like a movie.
I feel like these company's really get away with a lot. No one really calls them out on it because there such a big company that they can afford lawyers and they also have people working in washington DC for them that its hard to fight them. The only way i see a change happening if the a lot of people like most of the country stop eating at these fast food places. In doing this you would see a big chance because they would be losing money and end up not affording people they hare in washington which will end up forcing them to comply to the rules like health guide lines and other things. I don't see this happening anytime soon though so for now companies will just keep doing what they do even though its wrong.
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