Sunday, October 17, 2010

HW 9 - Freakonomics Response

There were a few intellectual moves i felt that was put in to the movie Freakonomics. One of those moves that they did a lot in most of the film was when ever they would be talking about something like a good example would be about the names they would have different view points about it. One view point they had talking about how your name doe not decide your future and even if you have a different name than other people you can still do what ever you would like to do in life. The other view point of this was a name does effect your future the example to that was getting a job how a person with a normal name like george Vs someone with a name like Tyrone, George would get more call backs about the job quicker than a person named Tyrone. Another example they did was the crime. There was a time where the crime rate was very high in NYC and than a few years later the crime rate started to drop most people thought the reason to that was because there were more cops on the street and also the Mayor was cracking down on crimes as well. But they had a different view on this and they think another reason that the crime rate drop was because of abortion being more easy to get, making it so that people who didn't want kids would not have and overall having less crime because of it. I think the reason they did it this way was because they wanted to give you all the view points about this and make you think for yourself and from all these different views you make your own answers.
I agree with the whole hidden in plain sight and this movie was a good example of it because a lot of the things in this movie had things hidden that people wouldn't normally think of or if they do they tend to ignore it, like the whole fixing of sumo wrestling and how some of the match's were fixed depending on the solution but many people ignore it because they didn't want to believe that they were fixed.

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