Fast Food Nation By Eric Schosser
chapter 1
The first chapter talks about a guy named Carl N. Karcher and how he was one of the first pioneer of fast food. It talks a little bit about Carls childhood how he lived on a farm. when he got older there was a hot dog stand for sell he ended up buying it and from there the chain started.
Chapter 2
This chapter talks about the food corporations targeting mostly kids and how they try to do different things to attract kids to there stores, One major image McDonald's put out was Ronald McDonald's making it more kid friendly to come to McDonald's.
I think what the corportaions were doing at this time was kind of messed up. Trying to brain wish the kids in a way to get them to go buy stuff from there company, and they were willing to do what ever it took for kids to always remember them/ always want something from them.
Chapter 3
This chapter talks about Mcdonlds and other companys in away abused there powers when it came to unions and how they were treating there workers. one quote that pretty much wraped it all up was "one of the most anti union companies on the planet" and it shows how they always want to do what ever there want and be in controll without having to worry about other people
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